C++ Object Initialization

Initialization provides an object's initial value. The object's type, scope, storage duration, and context determine whether and how it is initialized.

Static objects

Objects with static storage duration (i.e., variables declared at namespace scope, static class members, and static local variables) and no explicit initializer are guaranteed to be zero-initialized:

bool b;     // false
char c;     // '\0'
int i;      // 0
double d;   // 0.0
void *p;    // nullptr

void f()
    static int i;   // 0

class T {
    static int i;   // declaration; definition required below

int T::i;   // 0

Exactly how zero initialization occurs is implementation defined, but conventionally static objects are placed in the .bss section of the executable image, where they occupy no space, and are zero-filled at program start-up (by the operating system, program loader, or language run-time).

Static objects of class type with a default constructor, that are not explicitly initialized, are default-initialized at run-time, before first use. When, exactly, this happens depends on the object's scope, and, in some cases, on the compiler. static locals are initialized the first time control passes through their declaration; globals and static members are ostensibly initialized at program start-up, before main(), but compilers can defer initialization until first use:

#include <string>

std::string s;  // default-initialized before main() or first use

void f()
    static std::string s;   // default-initialized when f() is first called

The order of initialization for static objects defined within a translation unit is defined (they're initialized in the order they're declared), but the order of initialization of objects defined in different translation units is undefined. Further, the objects defined in a particular translation unit may never be initialized if none of them is ever used by the program.

Initial values for static objects can be provided with an initializer:

#include <string>

// constant initialization
int i = 42;

// zero initialization followed by list initialization
std::string s{"foo"};

class T {
    constexpr T(int x) : x{x} {}

    int x;

// candidate for constant initialization
T w = 42;

Compilers may be able to use constant initialization to construct the object at compile-time and emit its representation in the initialized .data section of the program image. That's the case for objects of built-in type and class types with constexpr constructors and constant constructor arguments.

For objects of class type without constexpr constructors, the class constructor is called at run-time, before first use, as described above for default initialization. This dynamic initialization stage occurs after the static zero initialization stage, which zero-fills the object's store at program start-up, before its constructor is invoked.

Automatic objects

Objects with automatic storage duration (i.e., local variables) are initialized each time control reaches their declaration:

#include <string>

void f()
    int i = 42; // initialized each time f() is called

    while (i--) {
        std::string s{"foo"}; // initialized each iteration

Without an explicit initializer, automatic objects are default-initialized. Objects of class type with a default constructor are default-initialized by calling the default constructor. Objects of class type without a default constructor and objects of built-in type are left uninitialized by default initialization. Their value is not defined; compilers should emit warnings if such variables are used uninitialized. According to Stroustrup (TC++PL):

The only really good case for an uninitialized variable is a large input buffer.

Dynamic objects

Objects with dynamic storage duration (i.e., allocated with new) are initialized by operator new after it allocates memory for the object:

int *pi = new int;      // uninitialized
int *pj = new int{42};  // direct-initialized

T *pt = new T;          // default-initialized
T *pu = new T{42};      // list-initialized

As with automatic objects, dynamic objects are default-initialized if no intializer is provided. Also like automatic objects, objects of built-in type are left uninitialized by default initialization; their values are not defined.

Non-static members

Class constructors are responsible for initializing their non-static members using an initializer list or in-class initializer:

class T {
    // Default constructor, default-initializes all members
    T() = default;

    // Constructor with initializer list
    explicit T(int x) 
        : i{x}  // direct-initialized
        , j{}   // value-initialized

    int i = 42; // in-class initializer; overridden by initializer list 
    int j;      // uninitialized by default constructor
    int k;      // uninitialized

In-class initializers provide default values that can be overridden by constructor initializer lists; if both are provided, the initializer list takes precedence.

The generated default constructor default-initializes all non-static members. As before, members of built-in type are left uninitialized by default initialization, and therefore will have undefined values.


There are four syntactic styles of initialization:

  • T object{ arg1, arg2, ... };
  • T object = { arg1, arg2, ... };
  • T object(arg1, arg2, ... );
  • T object = arg;

What they mean depends on their context and the type T.

List Initialization

#include <string>
#include <vector>

std::string s{"foo"};           // direct list initialization
std::string t = {"foo"};        // copy list initialization

std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};    // direct list initialization
std::vector<int> w = {1, 2, 3}; // copy list initialization

class T {
    T(const std::string& s)
        : s{s}                  // direct list initialization

    std::string s;
    std::string t{"foo"};       // direct list initialization
    std::string u = {"foo"};    // copy list initialization

T* tp = new T{"foo"};           // direct list initialization

T f(T t)
    return {"foo"};             // copy list initialization

void g()
    f({"foo"});                 // copy list initialization

These are all forms of list initialization. The common element is the braced-init-list, {...}. List initialization is new in C++11, and, according to Stroustrup, is the preferred method because it's general (available in all contexts) and safe (immune to narrowing conversions).

The two forms of list initialization, direct and copy, differ in whether they can call explicit constructors: direct list initialization can, copy list initialization cannot.

Generally, a list initialization of the form T t{arg1, arg2, ...} will first search for a constructor taking a std::initializer_list<> as the only non-default argument, and failing to find a match will then search for a constructor taking the number and type of arguments as specified in the braced-init-list, allowing only non-narrowing conversions. Thus, after:

#include <vector>

std::vector<int> v{100, 0};
std::vector<int> w(100, 0);

v contains exactly two elements (100 and 0), while w contains 100 elements, all 0, because std::vector<T> has both kinds of constructor:

template<typename T>
class vector {
    vector(std::initializer_list<T> init);
    explicit vector(size_type count, const T& value = T());

List initialization reduces to value, aggregate, direct, or copy initialization in certain cases:

  • an empty braced-init-list denotes value initialization, which produces the default value for the type
  • a braced-init-list applied to an aggregate type denotes aggregate initialization, which initializes individual members of the aggregate
  • a braced-init-list applied to a specialization of the std::initializer_list template denotes direct or copy initialization of that std::initializer_list object

Value Initialization

#include <string>

bool b{};           // false
char c{};           // '\0'
int i{};            // 0
double d{};         // 0.0
std::string s{};    // ""

Value initialization is, in effect, zero initialization followed by default initialization. Because default initialization leaves objects of built-in type uninitialized, value initialization of built-in types is equivalent to zero initialization:

void f()
    int i{};    // 0
    int j;      // undefined

Aggregate Initialization

struct T {
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;

T t{1, 2, 3};       // { 1, 2, 3 }
T u = {1, 2, 3};    // { 1, 2, 3 }
T v{1};             // { 1, 0, 0 }

char a[] = {'f', 'o', 'o', '\0'};
char b[] = "foo";   // equivalent
char c[10] = {};    // zero-filled

Aggregates are arrays and simple class types (typically structs and unions) with no bases, no private members, and no user-provided constructors. The individual elements/members of the aggregate are initialized, in order, from the elements in the braced-init-list. If not specified, the array size is determined by the length of the initializer. If the initializer contains fewer elements than the type requires, the remaining elements are zero-initialized. As a special case, character arrays can be aggregate-initialized from string literals.

Proving that C++ is not a superset of C, C++ does not allow designated initializers (until C++20, at least), which C has had since C99:

struct T {
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;

T t = {
    .x = 1, // oops! can't do this in C++
    .y = 2,
    .z = 3,

Direct Initialization

#include <string>
#include <vector>

int i(42);
int j{42};  // special case for braced-init-list with built-in types

std::string s("foo");
std::string t(10, 'a');     // "aaaaaaaaaa"

std::vector<int> v(10);     // 10 0s
std::vector<int> v(10, 5);  // 10 42s

Direct intialization searches for a compatible constructor, considering explicit and non-explicit constructors, and performing user-defined or standard conversions, as necessary.

Direct initialization is susceptible to the most vexing parse:

T f();  // function declaration, not (empty) direct initialization

Copy Initialization

#include <string>

int i = 42;

std::string s = "foo";

std::string f(std::string s)    // s is copy-initialized from argument
    return s + "foo";

void g()
    std::string s = "foo";
    std::string t = f(s);   // t is copy-initialized from temporary

Copy initialization is less permissive than direct initialization: it only searches non-explicit constructors, and requires that the initializer be convertible to the object type.